Saturday, March 14, 2015

Driving lessons!

So Alexia has her permit and is now practicing driving with Jason or myself. She wakes up at 4:45 to get herself ready for school and drivers ed class that starts at 6am Monday thru Friday.
This particular day the girls were doing a service project for young women's and Jason had Lexi drive to the church. He told her to pull into a parking space and as shes parking Jason is telling her to slow down, slow down more, stop, brake Brake Brake!
Instead of the break lexi hit the gas and jumped the curb.
All of this happened in front of her leaders and church friends, but I'm not sure she was as upset about that as she was about her dad yelling at her to stop, which made her more anxious.  She will need alot more practice before she can be unleashed on the open road!