Sunday, March 27, 2022

Welcome back so much has happened!

Let's start with the best news to date. 
We are grandparents ❤. 
MARCH 21, 2022
18.5 INCHES 
Lexi was induced Monday morning. We got there at 5am, he was born in the Payson, Utah hospital. They 
got lexi hooked up with an IV and started her in pitocin. She was already dialated to a 3 when we got there. She did so good each time they upped her pitocin and eventually broke her water. Once that happed her conttactions were strong. She got her epidural and we waited. She began pushing around pm. Practice pushes just to get her the rest of the way ready. Dr Jason Morris was her Dr and he did great letting her push without pressure to get the baby out. She only pushed for about 20 min and out he came. 
I was able to cut his cord 😍. Trevor felt a bit overwhelmed and needed to sit down. Lexi only needed to stay 24 hours and was able to come home Tuesday night. I stayed with her that night to help and bring her Ezrah when it was time to eat. What a blessing grandchildren are. I can't wait for more to come.